London: The people from different communities performed yoga at Trafalgar Square in Central London to celebrate the International Day of Yoga and recounted its benefits on multiple fronts.

The event was organised by the Indian High Commission in the UK and supported by the Mayor of London.

The Deputy High Commissioner of India to the UK, Sujit Ghosh called the experience 'delightful' and appreciated new people starting yoga.

Sujit Ghosh told ANI, "It was a delightful experience this morning. Yoga is all about harmony, harmony with the inner self and harmony with the outer world. It was a great experience people were very happy and we got many new people to commit to yoga and making it part of their normal routine".

A foreign national lady named Murailah from Finchley, north London, who is a yoga enthusiast, also came forward to teach yoga to other people.

"It was a nice experience to do yoga in such beautiful surroundings. In the last 10 years, I discovered yoga and my love for yoga. I also wanted to share it with people. I came here myself to teach yoga. Yoga connects with my spirit, with my mind, with my heart," she said.

An Indian national, Komal Mehta who is a yoga trainer talked about the health benefits of yoga.

"We went through the Yoga protocol, issued by the AYUSH ministry. We wanted to show its benefits, there are so many health benefits. The experience was fantastic. I can't believe, so many people turned out in the rain. Everyone from children, and older people participated and did the yoga," she said.

Joyce, another foreign national and yoga enthusiast, who is also connected with Sadhguru's ISHA Foundation, told how yoga guided her in choosing the right path in life.

"It was a great privilege to learn about ancient tools of transformation. Yoga has helped us at various levels, at the physical, mental, emotional level and also at the spiritual level. I was looking for directions, and yoga has helped me choose the right path," she said.

Inderpal Ohri Chandel, an Indian national and yoga enthusiast said that by doing yoga, people are also spiritually connected.

"It was an immensely proud moment to be here, and representing yoga and our culture. While doing yoga in a group, you are not just physically connected, but also spiritually connected to roots. We are feeling refreshed," she said.

Notably, this year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will lead the International Day of Yoga celebration at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

India in London in the tweet stated, "Yoga lovers from around London have gathered at the historic @trafalgar square to celebrate the International Day of Yoga, spreading positivity and tranquillity."

In another tweet, the High Commission of India in London stated, "Some more glimpses of 9th #IDY2023 at the iconic Trafalgar Square, London."

"Trafalgar Square London. Common Yoga Protocol in progress! The theme of this year "One Earth, One Family, One Future," the High Commission of India in London further said.

The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated worldwide annually on June 21 since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014.

Yoga is a physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India.

In his 2014 UN address, Prime Minister Narendra Modi suggested the date of June 21, as it is the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and shares a special significance in many parts of the world.

After the yoga day celebration in New York, PM Modi will then travel to Washington D.C., where he will receive a ceremonial welcome at the White House on June 22, and meet President Biden to continue their high-level dialogue. (ANI)

PM Modi on Tuesday emplaned for the United States for his first historic State visit. Prior to leaving for the US, PM Modi tweeted, "Leaving for USA, where I will attend programmes in New York City and Washington DC. These programmes include Yoga Day celebrations at the @UNHQ, talks with @POTUS @JoeBiden, address to the Joint Session of the US Congress and more."

PM Modi is visiting the US at the invitation of US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden. The visit will commence in New York where the Prime Minister will lead the celebrations of the International Day of Yoga at the United Nations Headquarters on June 21.