India-Russia's New Joint Missile System Can Destroy AWACS

AWACS or Airborne Warning And Control System, is a mobile, long-range radar surveillance and control centre for air defence. The system, was first developed by the U.S. Air Force, it was mounted in a specially modified Boeing 707 aircraft
The new missile is slated to be completed by 2024. Some of the testing is slated for the end of this year. This joint venture will strengthen India position against China
Russia announced the new cruise missile that is a joint venture between Russia and India. The Russian-Indian cruise missile in the new version will be able to hit radio detection and guidance aircraft with the AWACS system. The air-to-air missile system is named BrahMos, for the name of the joint venture.
The BrahMos (designated PJ-10) is a medium-range ramjet supersonic cruise missile that can be launched from submarine, ships, aircraft, or land. It is the fastest supersonic cruise missile in the world.
The Russian-Indian joint venture BrahMos was established in 1998, with the participation of the Russian NPO Mashinostroyeniya and the defence research and development Organization (DRDO) of the Ministry of Defense of India. The Director of the Russian-Indian joint venture BrahMos, Alexander Maksichev, told RIA Novosti:
“Thus, we are expanding the range of targets for BrahMos missiles, and in a few years it will be able to destroy air targets as well. That is, the platform will remain the same only with some modernization, but it will have different ‘brains,’ that is, a different homing head for destroying a radar, that is, a contrast target.”
An interesting fact, the BrahMos missile is named after two rivers, the Brahmaputra and the Moskva. BrahMos, a two-stage missile with a solid propellant booster and liquid propellant ram jet system that gives it a 00 km range, the BrahMos with its Mach 2.5-2.8 speed, is one of the world’s fastest cruise missiles— about three and a half times faster than the American subsonic Harpoon cruise missile.
The BrahMos, in its original form, is a land-based or ship-based anti-ship missile created by the Russian-Indian enterprise of the same name on the basis of the Soviet P-800 Onyx (more precisely, on its export version — Yakhont) in the 1980s.
The BrahMos rocket is capable of reaching speeds 2.5-2.8 times faster than the speed of sound. The first launch was made in 2001. The development of the aviation version of the rocket, whose mass is reduced by 450 kg compared to the ship’s, was carried out in the last decade, and its tests took place in 2019.
AWACS, abbreviation of Airborne Warning And Control System, a mobile, long-range radar surveillance and control centre for air defence. The system, as developed by the U.S. Air Force, is mounted in a specially modified Boeing 707 aircraft.
The launch of a new version of BrahMos, designed to destroy AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control System) aircraft, is expected in 2024. Existing versions of the BrahMos are designed to engage land and sea targets. However, the tests of several modifications of the Russian-Indian cruise missile with an extended range are planned for the end of this year.
It should be noted that this summer, the BrahMos version of the BrahMos-A air-launched cruise missile successfully passed certification in India. Most recently, on June 10, the BrahMos supersonic air-launched cruise missile received the first use permit issued by the Indian certification Agency CEMILAC.
The Centre for Military Airworthiness & Certification (CEMILAC) is a laboratory of the Indian Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO). Located in Bangalore, its primary function is certification and qualification of military aircraft and airborne systems.
Overall, the new missile will also also India to get in the forefront of the defence systems, and also get ahead of China. India and China had serious tensions this year.
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