Chinese Virologist Claims COVID-19 Was Made In Wuhan Lab; Offers Scientific Proof

A Chinese virologist has claimed in a video interview that she has scientific proof that the novel coronavirus was made in a Wuhan laboratory
Dr. Li-Meng Yan is a Chinese scientist had been researching on the novel coronavirus since last year. She was working at the Hong Kong School of Public Health when she came across the proof of coronavirus being lab-made.
She claimed that during her investigation on Pneumonia in Wuhan, she got to know about coronavirus and found that there was no response from the World Health Organisation when coronavirus was reported. The Chinese officials ignored her warnings despite being aware of the danger the world was about to face.
Yan, in a video interview, claimed that the virus was lab made in Wuhan, and that particular lab is controlled by the Chinese government.
She also stressed that the reasoning being given of the coronavirus originating from a wet market in Wuhan is simply “a smokescreen.” She claimed to be sure about it as she got “her intelligence from the CDC in China, from the local doctors.”
She further claimed that the Chinese officials knew that a human-to-human transmission already exists, and SARS CoV-2 is a high mutant virus which will become an outbreak if nobody controls it.
"This virus is not from nature," she stressed. “The genome sequence is like a human finger print. So based on this you can identify these things. I use the evidence … to tell people why this has come from the lab in China, why they are the only ones who made it.”
She alleged the Chinese officials of silencing her when she tried to warn the world about the dangers of this pandemic.
“Anyone, even if you have no biology knowledge, you can read it, and you can check and identify and verify by yourself.”
“This is the critical thing for us to know the origin of the virus,” she said. “If not we cannot overcome it — it will be life-threatening for everyone.”
Yan said she had to flee to the United States after being threatened by the Chinese officials when she wanted to sound the alarm. She also alleged the Chinese authorities of employing people to spread rumours about her and deleting all her information. Yan is now hiding in the United States as she is worried about her safety after being labelled as a whistle blower.
However, Yuan Zhiming, the director of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, had previously declined all these allegations. Chinese authorities have not acknowledged this video claim yet.