Indian Air Force Gains From Indestructible Paint Technology

Following the recent extensive painting of India’s Surya Kirans aerobatic display team aircraft, specialist coating manufacturer, Indestructible Paint, has brought its expertise to a light combat helicopter operated by the Indian air force
Products from the Birmingham-based company – which has a proven leading reputation in the global aviation sector – have now been re-certified for application by local distributor, Matcon High Coats PVT, by the helicopter division of Hindustan Aeronautics.
“Both new build and overhaul vehicles have been coated with a system of high build epoxy primer-surfacer for the composite airframe, overcoated with a 2-component polyurethane finish in both military and commercial colours,” said John Bourke, global sales manager at Indestructible Paint.
The work has been conducted at many sites throughout India with more than 300 Advanced Light Helicopters and Light Attack Helicopters painted since the original certification in 2005.
The company’s work in this specialist sector of Indian aviation – the previous project for the aerobatic display team saw nine Hawk aircrafts painted via a combination of 24 material processes – has also involved detailed training of the Matcon team by technical personnel from the UK.
“We are delighted to record this continuing success with both the OEM and MRO operations of Hindustan Aeronautics,” added Brian Norton, managing director of Indestructible Paint. “This is a further high profile example of our experience and track record being applied to a specific aviation need and we are proud to have worked closely once again with Matcon to meet the requirements of the customer in India.”