Why The Myopic Congress And Its Comrades Have Got Modi All Wrong

To pressurise PM Modi and the Army from our drawing rooms and Television studios, without knowing what is happening at LAC at 15,000-feet, is a naïve and irresponsible act
Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, Motilal Vora, Oscar Fernandes, journalist Suman Dubey and technocrat Sam Pitroda (a close buddy of Rajiv Gandhi) have been named in Swamy’s National Herald case. Sonia and Rahul are currently out on bail.
A point to note in the aforementioned allegedly accused list is Suman Dubey, who is reported to be the brother-in-law of a noted defence journalist an ex-army colonel who writes scathing pieces against the present govt for Business Standard newspaper. Amusingly, he chooses obscure arguments and at times illustrates illusionary lacunas in defence procurement and defence preparedness of the armed forces to attack the govt and the military. Though not lacking in exemplary analytical competence he however prefers to daub in pure political chicanery to demean the current regime.
In a unseemly spectacle, a spat between a prominent journalist of Republic TV and references to this journalist took a ugly turn on a micro-blogging platform. This bickering involved 2 other army veterans and a seasoned journalist. The jeremiad by the Republic TV journalist was in response to the defence journalist being brutally critical of the PM Narendra Modi government's handling of the standoff in Ladakh.
It hurts the mind to read articles and debates flinging nefarious and unchecked criticism on the govt and the military at such a sensitive juncture. Unlike the communist and dictatorial China, which stringently controls information, we have a large number of people in India with misinformation and incomplete information willingly playing into the gleeful hands of the Chinese.
Age-Old Conjecture: Intelligence Failure
It is a well known fact that the government (aided by the RAW & IB and monitored by the CCS) and the military have access to vast up-to-date data, tracked by thousands of bureaucrats and the military intelligence experts to provide relevant data to the govt and the military to take direct action when warranted. Not a single bit of data of operational significance is shared outside this closed loop, so it is bizarre to see so many armchair experts spring up to gorge the govt during times of national crisis.
Accomplished Force
India is led by brilliant men and women who are professionals supported by vast array of astonishing technology and other supplementary tools. Our combatants have proved worthy time and again, even during surprise (the Kargil War) and took appropriate fall-back action to win the war. A resounding victory which gave the enemy a real bad bloody nose. The Doklam crisis was won with equal measures of diplomatic dexterity and affirmative military action which took the Chinese military establishment unawares. Why then doubt now? Our superior military, aided by a capable govt can overcome the crisis with relative ease.
To pressurise the military at this juncture for political bread crumbs is irresponsible and anti-national in its approach. Political brownie points can be won later when the mission is accomplished, there could be myriad of opportunities for the Congress to even the score.
The Philosophy: The Great Disruption
After decades of neglect of defence preparedness and national security, PM Modi has emphasized the urgency to modernize the armed forces. Though it is an arduous task to unshackle the incompetence and policy paralysis that prevailed during UPA I & II periods, the present govt has steadfastly concentrated on measures to beef up our national security. A decade wasn't sufficient for UPA to decided to procure modern fighter jets for the Indian Air force.
Here are the reasons why the opposition has got PM Modi all wrong:
The word status quo held a prominent place in the previous regimes lexicon, you scratch my back and I'll scratch yours was the approach. The Congress stemmed from this determination to change the status quo which was holding the country back, to appease a section of the electorate.
One Foot In The Grave Syndrome
There is a great adage which says "A lesson learned is a lesson earned", 2014 win for the BJPi was a transformation, 2019 win however was a lesson for the Congress. The lesson was emphatic, the Congress went on an attacking spree over Pathankot, Pulwama & Surgical Strikes against the govt, little realising that the people didn't take it well. The electorate meted out a humiliating defeat for the party. But the party has not learnt its lessons well, they seems to be doing it all over again in the same exact manner, the lesson of 2019 not well learned and thus not well earned. Congress is trying to "divide the nation" and "demoralise" the armed forces during crucial situations. This policy of the party is ill-conceived and baffling, why would a seasoned party deliberately put one foot in the grave and commit political hara-kiri.
Hari is a software engineer who tracks military and aerospace issues closely