Hindustan Shipyard Limited (HSL) here has selected Turkey-based M/s Anadolu Shipyard as collaborator for construction of five fleet support ships for Indian navy against a global tender.

A high level delegation from the Turkish Shipyard led by its Chief Executive Officer, Sualp Omer Urkmez, visited the HSL here from July 9 to 12, HSL said in a statement here on Friday evening.

The visit assumes significance in view of HSL’s efforts to commence preparatory activities for upgradation of the Shipyard and construction of the vessels at HSL.

During the visit, discussions were held with the Turkish delegation on the infrastructure and capabilities in design and construction of ships in a short period of 4 years.

HSL Chairman and Managing Director Rear-Admiral, LV Sarat Babu, appraised the delegates about the shipbuilding, ship repair activities and the expertise available at HSL.

The delegation was also appraised of the modernisation program, ERP implementation and progress thereof.

The Turkish delegation expressed deep satisfaction on HSL’s capability to design and build sophisticated and high value ships and lauded HSL’s efforts in upgradation of the Shipyard to meet the future defence requirements and indicated desire to work in collaboration with HSL for meeting needs of Indian Navy for Fleet Support Ships and other weapon intensive platforms.

Sarat Babu, also highlighted the requirement of a large number of sub-contractors with adequate manpower for undertaking numerous ship construction activities on concurrent construction of three 45000T ships at HSL, Visakhapatnam, the release added.