by Krishna Chaitanya

From Nehruvian era to till now lot of Indian politicians and strategic community still struggles to understand the true essence of china and its nefarious designs.It will cost more for Indians rather than Chinese if media portrays the recent bonhomie between the two Asian neighbour overly than what it actually looks. It's absurd to expect that India's stand at OPCW meet against UK in favour of Russia will pave a way for getting Chinese concession at NSG meet.Chinese aren't stupid to loose $3 bn renewable energy market of India which was mostly dominated by the Chinese manufacturers. Hence they don't make any favour without any gain likewise the opening up of Chinese drug market for Indian medicines wont take promising shape until they actually take steps instead of making some petty statements but kudos to the Indian media which highlights it pretty well than actual. The incapability of the Indian leaders and lack of shrewd foreign policy costing its influence in the Asiatic region.

There is a serious bait laid down by China around India Which can be seen through the recent snubs made by the Maldivian government like openly defying Indian Security Concerns,backlash from Seychelles,taking Gilgit-Baltistan on lease for some 99 Years, buying out Bangladesh, Nepal and unwavering support to the terrorists to not get sanctioned, transgressions into the Indian State Arunachal Pradesh and enhanced presence in the Indian Ocean.Even on trade the Indian leaders do more noise much like an empty vessels do.Without making necessary efforts to reduce the ballooning trade deficit of the country with its giant neighbour they always get a little pie in return for huge trade and try to pose it as some reward to the nation's people.

Hence, the Indian policy makers should keep in their minds that depending heavily on Beijing economically at the cost of domestic industry will only provide a leverage to china over India whenever the atmosphere between the two is not conducive. It's the same mistake did by the western democracies for which they are still paying the interest whenever there is some irritant in their ties with the China. However the coming days has to show how the Indian government will handle the challenges posed by their powerful neighbour.

Krishna Chaitanya is a Defence and Strategic Analyst. Views expressed are of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of IDN. IDN does not assume any responsibility or liability for the same